Sunday, April 27, 2008

Cartoon - Paper

Hi -- been away for a few days, working on other projects, like making a 1:25 scale reproduction of Trajan's Column out of match sticks. Now, in this here cartoon "Paper", note I claim paper goes back to 4,000 B.C. (or B.C.E.). I was close -- but it looks like the manufacturing of paper like products goes back to Egypt, to around 3,000 B.C. But it ain't a big deal. CM Evans Cartoons

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cartoon #1000 -- Assemblagist

Posting cartoon number 1000, with a blast from the past and a tip of the hat to Dave Eggers, who back in the day founded a publication called "Might Magazine" in 1994. My 12 panel cartoon "Assemblagist" (a format I had never worked with before, then) ran on the back inside page of the premiere issue -- I couldn't have been more psyched to be included, and have such a great location for my work. Sadly, "Might Magazine" is with us no more.

Looking forward to racking up another 1,000 posted for anyone to see, about humor, satire, and cartoons. Hopefully, also, my work appeals to people who hate cartoons. Then we get this sorta love-hate-thing going on & that can last a long time. Catch ya later & you won't be seeing me " the funny papers."



Monday, April 21, 2008

Cartoon #999 -- Smart Person Test

One away from 1,000 CM Evans Cartoons. Have a happy Monday. Smart Person Test -- which figure does not belong? Hint: It isn't the twirly-gig thingy.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cartoon #998 -- Hanging Out

I done lots of this kind of hanging out, drawing on at least 5,000 cocktail napkins. My favorite cafes (and watering holes) are in North Beach. I'd spend hours at Cafe Puccini, The Steps of Rome, Grants, The Bohemian Cigar Store, and of course, Vesuvio. Aside from the Washoe House in Petaluma, I think Vesuvio is my all time favorite dive. If you go to Vesuvio, look for Hell Money hidden all over the place. If you get out to the Washoe House, order the buffalo steak, rare. CM Evans Cartoons

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cartoon #997 -- Komphy Kouch

I spent several years watching Dallas reruns, living in Escondido, CA. Escondido is Spanish for "hidden". It was sunny there all the time. Most people there were retired, or dead. We were surrounded by golf courses. The Komphy Kouch is an exaggeration. CM Evans Cartoons

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cartoon #996 -- TIME TO DRAW

Second cartoon update, in honor of Tax Day. 4 left for the 1,000 mark. You did do you taxes, right? CM Evans Cartoons

Cartoon #995 -- Rude Box

Happy Tax Day, to all you Americans. Stay outta the Rude Box. CM Evans Cartoons

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cartoon #993 -- Outer Space or Bust

I drew another 20 cartoons today. A heroic balloon cartoon! CM Evans Cartoons

Cartoon #992 -- In the Future

I hope this doesn't come true soon -- but it probably will. CM Evans Cartoons

Friday, April 11, 2008

Cartoon #991 -- Cartoon Cartoon

I so infrequently do cartoons that could be "framed" or classified as cartoon cartoons, that to do this one here, it is a rare pleasure, let me tell you. Of course, that statement could be a load of crap, and I am always doing cartoon cartoons and even cartoon cartoon cartoons. When I get to cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoons, then we have to stop and I'll have to lay down for a few hours to think. CM Evans Cartoons

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Cartoon #990 -- IS IT STILL RAINING

This afternoon I drew about 20 cartoons. So here is the 3rd update for today. Is this one really a cartoon? CM Evans Cartoons

Cartoon #989 -- Gun Helmet

Two updates in one day, how cool is that? Here's another pen & ink syphilitic art style cartoon about the kind of helmet I'd wear if I could -- a gun one! Of course, I wouldn't get far in it. Especially if I was trying to go through airport security. CM Evans Cartoons

Cartoon #988-- Axe Up close

Here is my "slightly palsied hand India Ink technique". Do you like it? I want it to look like a demented 80 year old drew this. It works for me. I hope it works for you. I assure you, all axes look exactly like this on the subatomic level. I discovered this in college, and I swore I'd never forget it. CM Evans Cartoons

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Cartoon #987 -- His Next

Here you go. Do you like practical jokes? I like playing them, but I don't like getting them played on me. Human nature, right? CM Evans Cartoons

Link Added - Garfield Minus Garfield

A new link via The Daily Cartoonist, Dan Walsh's blog "Garfield Minus Garfield" is brilliant. He takes out the deeply narcissistic Garfield character from the Jim Davis strip, and lets the chips fall where they may. The result is hilarious and sad all at the same time. Mostly hilarious, for me, because I never liked Garfield the cat -- he's such a furry little bastard. And his owner Jon Arbuckle has always been such a helpless dweeb. I hear that Jim Davis is a fan of the site. Perfect. Links Section, CM Evans Cartoons

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Cartoon #986 -- Haw Haw

Missed a day for updating -- sorry, I got distracted. Did ya notice? Haw haw. I like how I'm writing this to a person, or persons completely unknown, like I know them. CM Evans Cartoons

Monday, April 07, 2008


Hey -- I'm firing up my long neglected blog THINGS DON'T WORK. Used to just be for technology, but now TDW will be for multi-topical bitching and complaining, too. Because everything should generally work better than it does, and it could, if people gave a damn. Drop by and see the latest diatribe -- airline horror stories. If you have a topic or a complaint, feel free to send it to me. If it is good, I'll just put it up.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Cartoon #985 -- Steep

I have a serious child sitting here in my lap. He's almost a year old, and he's seen many things -- stuffed animals galore, diapers, blankets and those socks that look like miniature shoes. I know he's feeling these things, down deep in his heart, it makes him sigh as his dad types one-handed into the computer. Johnny Cash was so right -- there's something 'bout a Sunday morning, Lord, it can make us feel like we was stone. There's something about a Sunday, that makes a 'body feel alone. We'll skip the dying part, though, and go for a bottle of formula. Ahhhhh. CM Evans Cartoons

News - Apexart Cartoon Show is Up & Running!

We did the opening of the apexart/ Dave Egger's curated cartoon show "Lots of Things Like This" on April 2nd, and it was a smash hit. Almost too much of a good thing -- from the start we had a line of about 50 people going down the block. Rumor is, even David Byrne couldn't get in! If that is true, that's too bad, I would have loved to meet him. The space is a small venue, so we could only hold about 100 people at a time, otherwise we'd have all been crushed to death, and that wouldn't have been fun at all, would it? Part of the frustration stems from (in my opinion) a pent-up demand for installations like this -- funny, satirical, immediate work without a ton of commentary. You go to the space, and it is what it is. I hope people who didn't get in on opening night go back and see the show, it will be up for about a month. apexart does great things for the community and artists, and they definitely deserve the ongoing recognition -- they put their heart and soul into this exhibit. So if you're going to be in NYC or you are already there, go check it out!