Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cartoon - Pot Luck

I get invited to a lot of 'pot luck' events, these days. I chalk it up to karma -- the result of the accumulation of all my virtuous and non-virtuous deeds in innumerable past lifetimes. At least, this is what I tell my auto-mechanic when he asks why I go to so many 'pot luck' gatherings. And my mechanic is Italian, or Filipino, and he didn't ask me. I got the clutch changed on my truck, and I got a good walk in, going back to the house. I had to get something for the next 'pot luck' celebration, so I stopped at a Taqueria run by Welsh people, called "Alimentos de La Tierra de Las Rocas y La Hierba #VI" and I got some Sheppard's Pies con Carne. As I walked the rest if the way home, I tired to figure out for me if I was more Northern Italian, German, or Welsh myself. I mean, if my DNA had to fight itself, and have one ethnicity win out for representation, which would it be? When I got home, I decided I'm so 'pot luck' internally, in a boisterous 'pot luck' culture, with so many other lucky 'pot luck' people, life has turned into one big 'pot luck' for me. CM Evans Cartoons

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cartoon - This Could Be / Translation Carnival

I just got back from camping at the beach this weekend. A good time was had by all. And now this, for everyone's enjoyment. What more can I say? What is more satisfying than a blank billboard, or two frozen treats having sex? CM Evans Cartoons

And now for our semi-regular GoogleMistranslates Carnival:

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Ich bin gerade vom Campingplatz am Strand an diesem Wochenende. Eine gute Zeit hatten alle. Und nun dies, für jeden Genuss. Was kann ich mehr sagen? Was ist befriedigender als eine leere Plakatwand, oder zwei gefrorene Leckereien Sex?

ką tik grįžo kempingas paplūdimyje šį savaitgalį. Geras laikas buvo turėjo visi. Ir dabar, visiems naudotis. daugiau galiu pasakyti? Kas yra labiau patenkinti nei tuščią lentos, arba dvi šaldytos gydo lyties?

میں صرف کیمپنگ سے ساحل سمندر میں اس ہفتے کے آخر میں واپس مل گیا. ایک اچھا وقت سب کی طرف سے تھا. اور اب یہ سب لطف اندوزی کے لئے. میں اور کیا کہہ سکتے ہیں؟ بل بورڈ کے ایک خالی، یا دو منجمد کا علاج کرتا ہے جنسی تعلقات سے زیادہ تسلی بخش ہے؟

Friday, October 21, 2011

News - CM Evans Cartoons at Marguerite Avenue

Some of my cartoons are part of a memoir "Hamlet, I Wish I Knew You", by J.S. Breukelaar, over at Marguerite Avenue, an online magazine of the Arts. My work is appearing often over there, so please check it out! If you know of any creative-types who are looking to get their work published, tell them about Marguerite Avenue, and submit.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cartoon - Schopenhauer

See how my mind works? I see a painting of the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, and I think, "Hey! He needs to be smiling more. And I think he needs a candle, and a drink! And he needs ALL his hand written notes from the last few months! And these papers have to piled high all around him! And this all makes him EVEN HAPPIER! So I draw this up lickety-split, ignoring everything else, like getting my truck fixed, or calling the bank. CM Evans Cartoons

Friday, October 14, 2011

Cartoon - Plywood

It's cool! I imagine arguments between fictitious people, who are experts about things I know nothing about, and then I draw cartoons about them. Then I have no time to argue with real people, who are experts in real things, which I know nothing about.

And by the way, I still know more about plywood than you do -- like in a million, trillion, years. Sorry. CM Evans Cartoons

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Cartoon - Romeo and Juliet

I think social media has changed everything nowadays, so the past dramas are basically unrecognizable, plot-wise, and things like Shakespeare could use a very good & vigorous updating. I'd write more about this, but let us all consider carefully, before whatever else happens. I'll also admit, frankly, that 14 ton blocks have nothing to do with what I'm suggesting here -- I threw that one in (literally and figuratively) because 14 ton blocks are funny when the fall on unsuspecting people. Monty Python proved this over and over again. I looked for a company in China that makes 14 ton blocks, and there are a few, but for the cost of shipping, it isn't worth it. So when you look at my cartoon, note that this is a 'domestically manufactured' Italian 14 ton block, made from local sands and gravels found in and about the town of Verona. CM Evans Cartoons

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Cartoon - Trouble

No it really is stuck, and it isn't funny, and you can stop laughing, and pick up the cookies and tea you spilled all over the floor. And you can stop laughing more, rolling around the floor, jostling me and making it worse -- and everyone does not need to find out about this 'right this instant' on twitter, FaceBook, and other online places where people gather. Oh gee. CM Evans Cartoons