Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cartoon - Camp WhoWho

When I was a little kid, I was able to go to a summer camp in Northern California for a bunch of years -- we slept out under the stars and did the nature thing. Crafts, hiking, backpacking, it was the best. Later, when I was in High School, I returned as a counselor at the same camp, and I did that for many summers as well. I think I had more fun being a counselor, than being a camper, because I felt like I was making a big difference in some of those kid's lives. And in some cases, I did make a big impression. Helping others, focusing on others needs, saved me from myself. You get out of your own head & set of judgments and preconceptions by helping others, and I find that it ain't too bad. CM Evans Cartoons

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