Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cartoon - Pirate Fairy Tales

I've been outlining a new book, tentatively titled "Captain Murder's Pirating for Swabs" which would be a sort of "pirating for dummies" type of thing -- narrated by Cap' "Mad-Dog" Murder and dictated to Milton Periwinkle, a kidnapped clerk who has been told to assist writing the book "proper" before he is killed or made to walk the plank. So far I have the idea, some of Mad-Dogs rantings, the clerks replies to reform it into understandable terminology for a dummy, and some rude drawings of treasure maps. Arrrrrgh! Here's a cartoon of a similar theme. CM EVANS CARTOONS


Unknown said...

I cant wait to read it!

CM said...

Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving your comment! The concept of the book is quite entertaining, and I've started the first few chapters. I think the clerk plots his escape from "Mad-Dogs" evil clutches throughout the whole manuscript. We'll see. Keep coming back for updates! And thanks again.

SINRA Events said...
