Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Cartoon #980 -- Advertising

I think advertising was invented back at about 10,000 B.C., most likely at the same time as the world's oldest profession. Muti-media at that time was cave walls and a burnt stick. And now I'll go on to a joke that doesn't have much to do with the first part of the post: An old fella is celebrating his 100th birthday in the retirement home. His buddies want to give him a gift that he'll never forget, so they get a hooker to come by his room. The girl comes into his room, closes the door, and says, "Are you ready for some super sex?" The old guy looks at her, and he says, "I'll take the soup." IF YOU DON'T GET THE JOKE, READ THE LAST PART OF IT OUT LOUD. CM Evans Cartoons

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