Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Cartoon - CellStaplerCellStapler

Some designers think the best thing to do is to merge/ wad as many
functions or functional things into one device. They equate this with
"progress" or even "hi tech", when often it is neither progress, nor
very useful, technically. This cartoon has nothing to do with any of that. CM Evans Cartoons


Josh Maday said...

They equate this with
"progress" or even "hi tech", when often it is neither progress, nor
very useful, technically.

Amen, brother.

If they want to create a useful combo like this, I propose the Toilet Paper-Cell Phone. Or the Condom-Cell Phone. Practical sells, people.

CM said...

That reminds me of a joke -- a guy goes into a bar, he has a couple of drinks, and then he abruptly cups his hand to his mouth and ear, and starts talking to it. The bartender can't help but notice this, and when the patron sees the bartender staring at him, he says, "Hey -- don't worry -- see, I got a new implant -- I have a cell phone implanted here in my hand. Ain't that amazing!" The guy turns away, keeps talking in an intense muffled sort of way into his hand. "Riiight.", says the bartender. After serving drinks to a few other people, the cell phone implant guys says, still on his implant phone, "Hey bartender! Would you excuse me for a second? I have to go into the men's room, and do some Business. You know what I mean? Do some Business." "Whatever.", thinks the bartender. But the guy is in the bathroom for a long time...longer than what is natural -- so the bartender starts to wonder what the hell is going on in there. So finally, against his better judgment, the bartender goes in the men's bathroom. He sees the cell phone implant guy standing in a stall, leaning up against the wall, with his arms & legs spread, with a roll of toilet paper stuck up his ass. "What the @#$$!!%?!! is this!", yells the bartender. "Hey buddy -- hey! Relax, no problem!", says cell phone man, "I got another implant the other day too! A fax machine in my butt!"