Friday, November 24, 2006

Holiday Greetings & Cartoon

Wooo wooo whoooo! Hope ya'll had a fine iThanksgiving as opposed to having a Now get ye to a Mall and shop yer damn brains out. Here's my Christmas list:

- Gunpowder
- Several Pounds of Ribs
- 1 Gallon, each, of White, Black, Tan, Buff, Silver, Grey, Blue, Slate & Tope Interior Latex Paint, Semi Gloss*
- Booze
- Any Marx Brothers Movie
- String**
- Geiger Counter
- Classical Music^
- A Big Cowboy Hat
- Lighter Fluid^^
- Wooden Matches ~

So there it is. Good luck with parking! CM Evans Cartoons

* None of that cheap shit paint, either -- I want Ralph Lauren. For a series of Jackson Pollock style of action-paintings I am doing.

** Twine, really. No spun nylon, please.

^ Mozart, Handel

^^ To soak the Cowboy Hat in

~ To ignite Cowboy Hat

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